Download Yuuwaku ni Makenaide: Succubus ni Kanri Sareta Sekai de NSP, XCI ROM [18+]

Original Name 誘惑に負けないで~サキュバスに管理された世界で~
Release Date August 31, 2023
Genre Visual Novel
Publisher & Developer MediBang
System Nintendo Switch
Image format NSP
Game version 1.0
Language English, Japanese
Required firmware 15.0.1
Multiplayer Single System (1)
Age rating Mature
Supported play modes TV mode, Tabletop mode, Handheld mode

Download Yuuwaku ni Makenaide: Succubus ni Kanri Sareta Sekai de NSP, XCI ROMIn this captivating article, we delve into the enchanting realm of “Yuuwaku ni Makenaide: Succubus ni Kanri Sareta Sekai de,” a visual novel that promises a thrilling heroic fantasy with an erotic twist. Published and developed by MediBang, this game, compatible with the Nintendo Switch, is bound to enthrall gamers with its unique storyline and immersive gameplay.

Succubus World Unveiled

Surrendering to Temptation or Emerging Victorious?

On August 31, 2023, “Yuuwaku ni Makenaide: Succubus ni Kanri Sareta Sekai de” made its grand entrance into the gaming world. Falling under the genre of Visual Novel, this title introduces players to an exhilarating universe where succubi reign supreme.

Game Details and Features

Publisher and Developer – MediBang

MediBang, known for its innovation in the gaming industry, has not disappointed with this release. Both the publisher and developer have poured their expertise into creating an unforgettable gaming experience.

System – Nintendo Switch

To summarize, “Yuuwaku ni Makenaide: Succubus ni Kanri Sareta Sekai de” is your ticket to a memorable adventure if you’re looking for an extraordinary gaming experience that mixes a heroic fantasy tale with a hint of erotica. This game is likely to leave a lasting effect on everyone who dare to enter its enticing world, with its unique plot, engaging gameplay, and relentless struggle against temptation. Will you fight the seduction, or will you fall to the succubi’s alluring embrace? You have an option.

Language Options – English and Japanese

The game offers language options in both English and Japanese, ensuring accessibility to a wider audience. No matter your language preference, you can enjoy the rich narrative and engaging gameplay.

Game Version – 1.0

The initial release of “Yuuwaku ni Makenaide: Succubus ni Kanri Sareta Sekai de” is version 1.0, promising a polished and seamless gaming experience from the start.

Required Firmware – 15.0.1

To properly play this game, make sure your Nintendo Switch’s firmware is at least 15.0.1.

Multiplayer – Single System (1)

While primarily a single-player adventure, the game offers a unique multiplayer experience, allowing friends to join in the fun on a single system.

Age Rating – Mature

As the game delves into mature themes and situations, it carries a mature rating. Players should be prepared for an immersive and at times, provocative, gaming experience.

Embrace the Temptation

“Yuuwaku ni Makenaide: Succubus ni Kanri Sareta Sekai de” offers a tantalizing twist on the heroic fantasy genre. Intriguing it is, the beguiling allure of succubi, for they drape your odyssey with a captivating shroud, rendering it utterly imperative to withstand the seductive siren’s call. Should you, however, falter and succumb to their mesmerizing charms, your noble quest may meet an abrupt and tragic demise, akin to a candle extinguished by an untimely gust of wind. Yet, take solace, dear adventurer, for within the tapestry of this digital realm, the narrative threads weave a multitude of conclusions, myriad endings to guide your course. These diverse denouements not only offer redemption but also propel you forward upon the intricate mosaic of your epic undertaking.

 But be warned, the situations you encounter are undeniably tempting.


To summarize, “Yuuwaku ni Makenaide: Succubus ni Kanri Sareta Sekai de” is your ticket to a memorable adventure if you’re looking for an extraordinary gaming experience that mixes a heroic fantasy tale with a hint of erotica. This game is likely to leave a lasting effect on everyone who dare to enter its enticing world, with its unique plot, engaging gameplay, and relentless struggle against temptation. Will you fight the seduction, or will you fall to the succubi’s alluring embrace? You have an option.

What is the gameplay like in “Yuuwaku ni Makenaide: Succubus ni Kanri Sareta Sekai de”?

The gameplay is centered around a heroic fantasy narrative with a unique twist. Players must resist the temptations of succubi to progress. Depending on your choices, the game offers multiple endings, adding to the replayability.

Download Links

NSP and XCI both ROM formats are working the same in emulation, you can use any one of them as per your choice.

Note: Send us feedback on comments or from the contact us page, also report dead, broken links in the comment section.

Europe/USA – Title ID –  [010081C0191D8000]

  • Yuuwaku ni Makenaide: Succubus ni Kanri Sareta Sekai de NSP ROM
  • Size: 2.46GB




Q. Can I play this game on platforms other than the Nintendo Switch?

Ans. In the ever-evolving realm of digital entertainment and immersive gaming experiences, there exists a captivating gem that goes by the name of “Yuuwaku ni Makenaide: Succubus ni Kanri Sareta Sekai de.” This enchanting creation, brimming with allure and mystique, has found its exclusive abode within the dynamic confines of the Nintendo Switch.

Within the multifaceted landscape of gaming, where choices and possibilities intertwine like the threads of a complex tapestry, “Yuuwaku ni Makenaide: Succubus ni Kanri Sareta Sekai de” emerges as a singular entity, a beacon of fascination in a sea of options. It beckons players into a realm where seduction and temptation are woven intricately into the fabric of the gaming universe.

As you embark on this captivating journey, guided by the enigmatic succubus, you’ll traverse a world meticulously curated for your pleasure and intrigue. The Nintendo Switch, a vessel of limitless potential, serves as the exclusive conduit to this extraordinary experience.

Q. Is there any online multiplayer mode?

Ans. No, the game primarily offers a single-player experience, but it does have a local multiplayer option for up to two players on a single system.

Q. What age group is this game suitable for?

Ans. The game is rated as “Mature” due to its mature themes and situations. It is recommended for players who are comfortable with such content.

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